THE DEAD REBEL CLIUB – Fridays at The Middlesbrough Empire
19th August 2022 - 11:00 pm
The Middlesbrough Empire


A massive hit of past, present and future guitar anthems, with a supplement of live bands, a repeat prescription of pop and an unhealthy dose of the devil’s own dirty rock.

Ground Floor
A huge room of past, present, new and next wave rock, indie and alternative anthems exploding from The Empires brand-new sound system with shows from the hottest live touring bands invading the main stage reinforced by the latest visual splendido. Expect Foo Fighters, Royal Blood, Black Honey, Yungblud, Frank Carter, Wolf Alice, Biffy, Beatles, Fontaines DC and everything in between.

Pop Floor (upstairs)
A dancefloor devoted to pop hits, hip-hop heavyweights, house heroes and guilty bangers. Get amongst it with Cardi B, Lil Nas, Billie Eilish, Joel Corry and Whitney: Don’t be shy, your mother wasn’t!

Devils Club (upstairs)
A dedicated room of old school and new school dirty rock, metal and hardcore hitters through the eyes of the red mist and new bottle bars with guest hosts.

Doors 9pm


The Middlesbrough Empire 2 Corporation Rd
Middlesbrough TS1 2RT
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